Uncommon Courage

Are you excited about moving to Phuket?

A question I have been asked a lot, and here’s the answer. No, no I’m not. Not yet. In fact, I don’t know if I ever will be “excited.”

The first time we tried to live in Phuket – 2009 – note the Chicken Pox on Lex’s face
Not only is there too much shit to do to even remotely get my head into the idea of what this move entails, it’s just hard to be excited about something you never intended to do.
Besides life is good in Singapore. Happy. Easy. Things are rocking.
A smile to melt hearts
Not to forget, we’ve attempted a move to Phuket before – years ago, when the boys were as little as you can see in the photos. Tiny bubbas back then. Neither of them did a solid shit the whole time we were there… oh and Jax got electrocuted within the first week too. We knew it wasn’t the right place for us – back then at least.
But we have to go to Phuket – for Lex. He needs it. And that is the only reason we are making the decision to go. I think the other challenge we’re struggling with is banking everything on this move for Lex. We are definitely anxious about the results, and even though I know deep in my soul this is what will make all the difference, we have been promised the world before…
The difference is, now it’s our call, our decision – not someone else telling us they have the answer, which they ultimately don’t. We have been promised nothing. Just commitment to helping him be all he can be.
So yes, we do have a lot of trepidation and that definitely started brewing over the last few weeks. For Steve too. Think bowel watering trepidation and you’ll have an idea of how we’re feeling.
Because I actually can’t even see it right now. I can’t imagine life there at all.
But there is something I am excited about and it’s the reason I have moved across the oceans several times in my life already. It’s the reason I do anything or make (what others say) are brave decisions. That reason is possibilities… for all of us.
Adventurous, curious Lexy
Possibilities – the fuel of life. The unknown and exciting. The thing that makes life better and more interesting. The challenging moments that make life the amazing learning journey it is.
Yes possibilities. That is my seducer.
The possibilities of new friendships and new amazing people in our lives – from all parts of the world.
The possibilities of new experiences in the magnificent country of Thailand.
The possibilities of new doors being opened, as well as new paths and personal transformations.
The possibilities of slowing down a bit and seeing what that will bring.
The possibilities of building our life around the boys’ school – something we have never done before and that’s a real curiosity for me.
The possibilities for the boys to open their minds and hearts to a lifetime of embracing change, new experiences, and never being fearful to take chances, or make courageous decisions – because that is what life is about right? It’s also the only way to live a bigger life. An exciting life.
Yes possibilities. Who knows what is on the horizon? That’s what I’m excited about.
Sitting here right now, with the movers on their second day of packing, the boys already landed in Phuket, and tired, red eyes that scream sleep woman, I have some hectic hours ahead before I join them tomorrow.
Jax foraging on Kamala Beach
And then this new, unimaginable life starts. One that will mean more plane journeys, but more home-time too, in different ways. Also, the feeling of total belief in our son, as we all embrace this move for our Lexy, because he deserves it.
So before you ask me, this is how I feel. I am apprehensive, a little fearful, and basically shitting myself, but we’ll find our way, our community and our joy. We always do, because life is an amazing adventure that I love being on and I hope my three boys do too.
Look how cute Jax is!
Not to mention, we’re also looking forward to lots of pals coming to visit. What a great place for that hey? Will you be visiting? Should we set up a public calendar?
Yours, without the bollocks

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