American Idol Predictions 2012

I obviously cropped this from the American Idol Website – sites really need to host free photo downloads for bloggers

Put your hand up if you’re watching it? If you know me, you won’t be surprised that I am over-the-moon to have the distraction of American Idol back in my life, and I must say, this year is looking sensational – especially the boys. I can only presume the credibility of the show has increased significantly over its 11 year history, because it’s now attracting really cracking talent consistently. Or maybe people like the fact the judges are nicer? Either way, it’s great for us viewers. American Idol is a show that’s full of heart and about people chasing their dreams. Watching anyone chase a dream makes me happy.

Every year I’ve done predictions for American Idol… well alright, I’ve done these predictions in the privacy of my own home until last year, as this blog hasn’t been around forever – but I am pleased to jam my flag in the ground with my second year of predictions J. With that said, my predictions are like a curse on contestants, as they never ever come true, which usually causes a lot of heart ache at home. Then again, I put my lack of success down to a simple fact – I am not in tune with the Tween demographic. Hey, what can I say? I’m an old bag now.  

Today, a lot of contestants get cut and I won’t see the show until 8pm tonight Singapore time, so please don’t tell me the results!! I know it’s already happened, but not for me yet.

Without further ado, here are my predictions – starting with the boys. I have to say, they are phenomenal this year. There is so much talent, but the absolute stand outs for me are Joshua Ledet (a singing sensation), Aaron Marcellus (very cool), Colton Dixon (he’s the rocker this year, but there’s more to him), Creighton Fraker (although might be a bit too weird for America?) and Reed Grimm – how quirky, and lovely, and talented is he? But Philip Phillips is one of my absolute favourites – check out his leg and facial expressions when he sings! I also love Hee Jun Han and while he didn’t do an amazing job this week, what a bloody funny man! If you haven’t noticed how amusing he is, just watch him, he’s a hoot. Jeremy Rosado is all heart and he has a beautiful voice, but will he make it? I hope so. Not enough room for all of my favourites though…

Jermaine Jones, the big baritone voiced mamma’s boy, was brought back onto the show this week, and while I was really happy for him, he’s just not in my top choices. Adam Brock is a definite sweetheart and he did a terrific ‘white chocolate’ version of the Great Aretha, but I just don’t think he’s as good as the other guys – not this year. However, there’s a good chance he will go far by winning the white American professional vote – you just never know? Chase Likens, what can I say? I’m just not a huge country fan and he wasn’t amazing for me this week.

The Tween votes will definitely be with Deandre Brackensick and Eben Franckewitz. Eben shouldn’t make it, but his Bieber look is certainly going to make young hearts flutter, and Deandre is a very interesting little dude indeed – like a male Sade. I think I want him to stay, and I do agree with the judges he’s incredibly unique, although just not my style. Steve thinks he’s a Terence Trent D’arby try-hard… With that said, I think he will definitely stay in the competition.

Order of preference
  1. Joshua Ledet, Philip Phillips and Reed Grimm
  2. Aaron Marcellus, Colton Dixon, Creighton Fraker and Deandre Brackensic
  3.  Jeremy Rosado
  4. Hee Jun Han and Adam Brock
  5. Chase Likens, Jermaine Jones and Eben Franckewitz

The girls weren’t looking as promising as the boys early ion n the competition, but there were some amazing performances last night, as well as some pretty shabby ones. My top girls are sexy voiced Elsie Testone (I hope she does some Bonnie Tyler this year), Erika Van Pelt (awesome rock chick voice), Hollie Cavanagh (did you hear her this week – crikey!), Jessica Sanchez (the tiniest performer of them all but what a voice), and my absolute favourite girl – Jen Hirsh, a beautiful, sexy, bluesy voice. However, a HUGE standout for me with the girls is Skylar Laine. Now as I said, I’m not a huge country music fan, but Skylar was an absolute sensation this week. She’s also a great kid, adoringly naive, and obviously as sweet as hell, so I definitely think she deserves a place in the top 10. She’s an exciting performer and I am excited to see her again.

Shanon Magrane will probably make it and she has an AMAZING voice for a 16 year old, but she’s just not in my favourites section and I think she’ll get boring. Brielle Von Hugel is an interesting bird, and I wonder if her perkiness will go against her more than anything else? She has a good chance of making it, but she is annoying – as is her Mother! Hallie Day is also a great talent, but she’ll be voted out because she doesn’t smile enough (no matter what Simon used to say, it IS a popularity contest too) and I have to say, there’s definitely something deep and mysterious about this girl.

My bottom girls are Bailey Brown (a very beautiful girl, but she just didn’t cut it), another country-girl Chelsea Sea Sorrell (I just found her performance incredibly boring), and unfortunately Haley Johnsen, who I think is awesome but she didn’t succeed with Annie Lennox’s “Sweet Dreams.”

Order of preference
  1. Jen Hirsh, Skylar Laine and Elsie Testone
  2. Erika Van Pelt and Hollie Cavanagh
  3. Jessica Sanchez
  4. Shanon Magrane, Brielle Von Hugel and Hallie Day
  5. Haley Johnsen
  6. Bailey Brown and Chelsea Sea Sorrell

On a final note, I think Randy has been taking some guidance from L.A. Reed of the US “X Factor – as there were certainly some wanky head moving moments. Come on Randy, we love you just as you are and please, don’t take on his bitchy persona!

Right there you go. Who else would like to share their predictions? Come on, put your stake in the ground, because we’ve got a great couple of months of music and entertainment to look forward to!

Yours, without the bollocks


4 Responses

  1. Hollie, Skylar, Joshua, Phillip, Shannon, will be the final five.

    Joshua is the best singer; Skylar will likely have the best career; but Hollie will be the final winner.

  2. Hey Memphis, you could definitely be right, and depending on the voting demographics, we shall see. Although one other thing happens as the show runs – people get bored with certain styles (Shanon is at risk here) and other's just can't cope with the pressure. My top remaining contestants: Colton, Elsie, Erika, Hollie, Jessica, Joshua, Phillip and Skylar… Let's see if any of them make it to the end!! I already lost some of my top picks, so hopefully these won't go first xxx

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