Andrea T Edwards

A week of You Can’t Make This Shit Up

I’ve got to tell you, for the last few months, I’ve been getting really depressed about the state of the world, and while there are many aspects that concern me greatly, Donald Trump has definitely been at the very top of the greatly concerned pile.
The world cannot afford to have this man in power. He is dangerous, ignorant and downright repugnant. Perhaps there is truth to the personality disorder prognosis, but whatever happens, the possibility of him being President will send the world in a direction I don’t think we can survive right now.
Roll the clocks back two weeks and it didn’t look like it would stop. It was getting worse. He was creeping ahead in the polls. And the rest of us concerned citizens around the world (all deeply impacted by American policies and actions) were sitting there thinking – what the bloody fuck America??!! Oh please, no. No!  
And then this last week or so, something happened, in fact, quite a lot happened. Every day a new headline.  Everyday you’re fucking kidding me? Everyday scrolling through your Facebook feed wondering what the hell has he said now?
Crikey! Yes he really did say that.
No one else is to blame, just The Donald, shooting his mouth off again and again – reacting, spiteful, out of control.
It all started with the repulsive response to the grieving Khan family…
Loving babies one minute and kicking them out of his rally for crying the next…
Accepting a Purple Heart from a Veteran and saying that was easier…
Exclaiming strong women don’t get sexually harassed and that they should leave their job if they do ‘cos his daughter Ivanka would…
Saying Putin wasn’t in Crimea yet…
The so-called top secret footage of cash being delivered in Iran to free hostages, except it wasn’t…
His wife’s visa being brought into question… something one would think they’d have sorted out before throwing their hat in the Presidential ring. How did it come out? An article of Melania nude, unfortunately showing a date that uncovered her potential illegal presence at that time. However, I’d like to point out with this article on Melania – I am 100% against any slut shaming. I don’t care who the woman is, it’s never OK…
And then he wouldn’t endorse senior Republicans who had endorsed him – aka Paul Ryan and John McCain…
He brought up Megyn Kelly’s blood comments again… um dickhead, let that one die, because most people had forgot about it. Most, not all…
Saying the election would be rigged… um how?…
And let’s not forget The Donald asking about nuclear weapons three times in an hour’s security briefing… apparently unverified, but we heard his thoughts on Nuclear Weapons out of his own mouth. No cards off the table apparently…
And others have had enough 
The former CIA acting directorgoing on record and saying no way he’d support Trump – something he has never ever done before, spoken publicly about presidential candidates…
The military personnel coming out and shaming him as they should…
Some Republicans finally having the balls to stand up and say they’re voting for Hillary – but not enough yet…
Warren Buffet’s challenge….
Meg Whitman saying enough…
Even Will Smith got in on the action, saying his grandma would’ve smacked the teeth out of his mouth if he spoke about women the way Donald does, and yet, there are women who support him, apparently attracted to his power…
And some other media outlets got up his arse too, and let’s face it, this is not an easy election for the media – how can you be impartial? Except for Fox news, they’re on his side. What the hell Murdoch? Have you lost touch with reality completely? Perhaps Jerry has you distracted…
On The Donald, I can recommend this delightful piece and this one The Week They Decided Donald Trump Was Crazy.
Of course, how did we ever get to this place? How did a demagogue like Trump ever get this far? Well according to Scientists, Earth is Endangered by New Strain of Fact-Resistant Humans – that sounds about right. For the first time in my life, I have to admit, we’ve got to stop basing decisions on feelings and start looking at the facts.
The facts. Interesting those things.
What do you think? Has this been a good week for you? Do you feel more optimistic about the future now? Trump’s done right? Or is he deliberately fucking it up, as many are predicting? It’s only a matter of time yes? Although he has been quiet for a few days… I don’t think that’s good.
Yours, without the bollocks
Images courtesy of Shutterstock.
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