Uncommon Courage Andrea T Edwards

What you resist, persists

I don’t get. I just don’t get it. I am living in a country where Covid19 has spread so rapidly, there are bodies on the streets of Bangkok, and this is a country with deep reverence for the dead. It’s a sign of how bad things are, but it’s also a sign of how bad the Delta variant is. This is not the same virus that hit our shores 18 months ago.

And then, in a country, where things have not escalated to this point – aka Australia – what do they do? Learn the lessons of tragedy that has rolled around the world for the last 18 months? No they protest. Against what? Freedom? Freedom of what?

Anti-lockdown protests across Australia as Covid cases surge to record levels in Sydney

Australia Covid: Arrests at anti-lockdown protests

Here’s some thoughts I penned last week on this issue: When it comes to Covid, I’m confused by opinions

Does being in lockdown suck? YES a very BIG one. But you know what will suck more? If this virus mutates out of our ability to vaccinate and we have to endue this crisis for longer. The developing world can not endure this for longer. The devastation is already too great. COME ON world, we can do better!!!

In my book, Uncommon Courage, I talk about the idea of what you resist, persists. Here’s a snippet of that chapter in relation to Covid.

“COVID-19 is a global case study of resistance. As we all went from shock to fear to acceptance—especially those of us living in Asia—we had an opportunity to stand witness as it rolled around the world, like a tsunami, often in shock at the resistance we were seeing to our new reality!

“One thing that became apparent to me very early on was that if we all did the same thing at the same time for as long as was needed, we might have been able to deal with this faster and it would be over by now.

“Remember in March (2020) when the World Health Organization and other experts suggested the world should close shop for a couple of weeks, maybe a month, so we could see where it had spread? The response was instant: we can’t close the global economy! Well, look where that got us.

“The impact is not just the massive death tolls around the world, but the immense suffering in developing countries, with 200 million people moving into extreme poverty. These are my neighbors, and it is devastating. (If you can afford to, please donate to the World Food Programme and let’s get through this crisis together.)

“The resistance to the reality of this crisis has been staggering. As I’ve said over and over again from the beginning: until this is over everywhere, it’s not over anywhere.

“What are some simple ways to identify resistance? When you hear yourself saying words like: “Why me?” or, “This isn’t fair!” or, “It wasn’t meant to be this way!” When we attempt to control something that is out of our hands, it often extends our suffering.

“What you resist, persists, because where the attention goes, the energy flows. This is an essential truth.”

Let’s stop resisting this virus, accept it and work together to get past it. Because those people starving in the developing world deserve the care and consideration of those in the wealthy countries. It is time to change how we operate as a global society. It is time for we, not me!



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