
This week has hit me hard. You?

Times are glum right now, especially in Asia. Indonesia is experiencing a critical shortage of oxygen as Covid19 cases surge, Malaysia is still in lockdown where people are stealing food to survive, and Thailand has seen its highest cases so far, with the Delta variant rapidly spreading.

This week I saw photos of people outside hospitals in Bangkok. Taken by a doctor, it shows patients in beds on the sidewalk and people slumped on footpaths, waiting to get medical attention. Scenes like this are truly frightening, because as we saw in India, so many unnecessary deaths occur simply because people can’t get medical attention. Young people too. It’s devastating.

I’ve also noticed a lot of talk about governments needing to step up more to help citizens survive this time. At the start of this pandemic, global economists predicted that developing economies would struggle the most, and this story details the growing debt – a burden the younger generation will face. Then again, the climate crisis might see many of these countries unliveable in the not too distant future.

I know many struggle to understand this side of how things operate, but governments are being forced to make very challenging decisions for communities, which means Covid will be more prevalent, because they cannot afford to keep their countries in lockdown. It’s a heartbreaking time.

Then we add to this the escalation of the climate crisis, and well, it’s hard not to feel glum. A while ago I wrote Join the #Just10Percent movement and let’s create a new future. If you are in a position to donate 10% of your time, talent, income or voice to any cause you care about, please do it? Serving helps you too. It helps you step out of a funk or even deeper depression, not to mention, the world’s poorest need us all to step up for them. Can you do it?

Anyways, how are you feeling?



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Are you a Social CEO? The Social CEO: How Social Media Can Make You A Stronger Leader. 

Want to claim your stage? Unleash Your Voice – Powerful Public Speaking for Every Woman 

Want proof social leadership transforms business and attracts customers? Check out this case study with IBM Asia Pacific.

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