Andrea T Edwards

The unknown world of menopause awaits

As a woman entering your 40s (which I’m well into at this stage) there is an impending gloom ahead – the unknown world of menopause. Chances are you’ve seen your mum go through it – which ain’t pretty – but otherwise, it’s the great mystery that will strike you when it’s good and ready.
Your only expectation on whenit’s going to happen is at approximately the same time it hit your mum. Which means I’ve still got a couple of years up my sleeve, if that’s the case.
Entering into this period of waiting, I’ve found myself asking women every chance I get – women who’ve been through it – what the hell happens? I figure I may as well gather knowledge of what to expect, but here’s where that got me.
Not a single woman I’ve spoken to has had the same experience as another.
Not a one!
The only piece of advice I’ve taken to heart is that those who are vegetarian seem to have an easier time of it than those who love their meat. Time to embrace my vegetarian days perhaps…
And then there are others who said they didn’t give it a second thought – it was over and done with in a day.
Or those who experienced the unpleasantness of breaking into hot sweats in the middle of important meetings, usually in front of a room full of men.
Some age rapidly after this time, while others look the same as always.
Some suffer creping in the neck and chest, never wearing an open shirt again. Others have skin as smooth as a babies’ bum.
Some speak of being cranky and flying off the handle, before becoming an even more awesome version of themselves when it’s all over.
Some gain weight and can never lose it again, no matter how hard they try, while others continue to be stick thin.
And some speak of a fog in the mind that makes it hard to operate in daily life.
There is so much more these women have said. And you think, well then. That clears it all up… not!
So what can you do, other than wait and see what little pleasures are in store for you?
But there was one piece of advice I got recently, that I believe every expectant menopausal woman will appreciate and it is this: whatever you do, remember the date of your finale, because from this day forth, every single time you visit a doctor or a healthcare professional, you will be asked for that date!
Now that makes a whole lot of sense to me and on that, I can take action.
Would anyone like to share some menopausal insights? Or is this too public a place to do it? I know a lot of women who’d appreciate the insight. Me included.
Yours, without the bollocks
Menopause image courtesy of Shutterstock.
Thank you for reading my ramblings. My brain and heart are a work in progress, always. I’d love a comment if it stirred any thoughts or feelings and of course, please feel free to share it with anyone you know who might be interested or entertained. I sure do appreciate it when you do. If you want to connect, I’m on Twitter here, Google+ here, Instagram here, and Facebook too. I share loads of stuff, not just my own xxxxx

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