I know everyone thinks time is moving fast, and I feel that, but it can also feel slow and ponderous, especially when moving and adjusting to a new country. So we made it through the first year, and I can say it’s been intense, but equally, we are all happy and settled, at last.
To be honest, it was only a couple of months ago I wasn’t sure if I could be happy here. All three of the boys were happy and Aunty Vick was smiling more too, but I couldn’t say I was leaping for joy.
It was only recently that’s started to change. I miss it when I’m away and can’t wait to come back – usually arriving just in time to attend a dinner party that finishes at dawn! Crikey, they take two days to get over.
More than that, I think my happiness here is down to how well the boys are doing, as well as how much I’m really treasuring the quality time I get to spend with Steve. That’s a special part of this experience for sure.
Some of our party pals in Phuket – deplorables in action |
Of course, a HUGE part of our joy is the awesome people we’re getting to know and love in Phuket. Birds of a feather are definitely flocking together in this town.
So I suppose I can say at last, all up, it’s been a good move.
If you’re interested to know more, grab a glass of wine or a Cointreau, sit back and join us for a chat about our life and experiences in Phuket so far…
We hope this made you smile, because that’s what the world needs more of these days. Equally, if you’re part of our global tribe and haven’t booked a visit – what the bloody hell are you waiting for?
Finally, if you’re interested in the environment and want to do more, let’s get going. Here’s a blog I published on LinkedIn and Medium – We have UX, DX, CX and EX, how about MX? – with some ideas.
Oh and a final point – eight subscribers?? Come on, there were 500 views of our first video!! Besides my kids think I’m rubbish with the amount of subscribers I have. If you have a heart and a Google account, SUBSCRIBE pretty please!! I promise to work really hard not to bore you.
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Miracle photo – everyone is smiling |
Yours, without the bollocks
Thank you for reading my ramblings. My brain and heart are a work in progress, always. I’d love a comment if it stirred any thoughts or feelings and of course, please feel free to share it with anyone you know who might be interested or entertained. I sure do appreciate it when you do. If you want to connect, I’m on Twitter here, Google+ here, Instagram here, YouTube here, and Facebook too. I share loads of stuff, not just my own xxxxx
Want to build a professional presence online? Check out my e-learning course How to build a rock star personal brand today. I put all of my heart into this.