Happy First Birthday

I just realised I missed my blogs first birthday by a couple of days, and thought it can’t go unrecognised. What a wild and wonderful journey it’s been and I absolutely wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has been reading my ramblings and supporting what I’ve been doing here.

Back in the day – when I launched with “The Ghost Who Tried to Shag Me” – I’ve got to admit it’s been a funny old ride – one of excitement and anxiety mixed together. To be completely honest, I haven’t found it easy doing this – putting my head out in the public domain for all to see. On the other hand, it has been incredibly cathartic for me having a platform to channel all of the thoughts and ideas that rattle around in my head every day, the best bit, you seem interested in reading it – amazing.

There is one other bonus in doing this blog, because, in many ways, it’s actually helped to make me a calmer person… that’s something special huh? I suppose it’s probably because it’s all part of a broader goal I’m working towards and the commitment to this blog is keeping me focused on achieving that – getting books published one day.

In case you’re interested, I wrote another blog recently for our professional blog and it’s about all of the lessons I’ve learnt from blogging, so if you’re interested in taking this path, for whatever reason, check it out. It might give you a head start, rather than learning everything I’ve already had to learn!

So as I come to my year end and look ahead to the new one, it’s a chance to ask – what do you want me to write about? The vagina blogs certainly garnered lots of attention, as did the political ones when I pushed them out a big harder than normal, but so have the spiritual type blogs and the family perspectives…. so what to focus on? Or do I just keep it a mesh of all things? It’s your chance to contribute to the “Without the Bollocks editorial calendar” and I’d be appreciative of any feedback.

But thank you thank you thank you for all of the support, appreciation and laughs. I feel loved.

Yours, without the bollocks


3 Responses

  1. My vote goes to letting your heart and soul show the way… insights are randomly beautiful things and can't be pigeonholed!:)
    X Happy birthday

  2. Yes my vote goes for whatever sparks your interest to share. Look forward to more and see you soon. XX

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