November 2011

Judgment Would be My Choice – Yours?

I recently commented on a LinkedIn conversation on ‘TED: Ideas Worth Spreading.’ The conversations are pretty interesting with this group if you’re interested. Anyways a member asked the question: “If you could stop all people from doing one thing what would it be? With the granting of a single wish, you can change mankind forever, what would you want to change, or is it best to leave it to evolution to decide for us?” I would love to see all mankind stop judging. Stop judging those closest to us or even on a broader scale where we judge races, religions, societies or cultures. Judgment always feels wrong to me, because no one ever has the full picture on any situation and therefore, because of this, judgment can only be flawed. Unfortunately it seems to be something in all of us, and when I find myself judging anything, I try to correct myself and ask, why would I do that? And I know the answer – because I’m human. So what is your ONE thing you’d like to change in humankind forever? Yours, without the bollocks Andrea

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A Follow-on From my MSG Blog

My friend Karl took umbrage about my post on MSG, suggesting that my opinion on it was not a convincing enough perspective as it was not backed up by referenced research. He also believed that my conclusions on MSG were unfounded based on his own understanding of the topic. I pride myself on being well-informed, and while I am only expressing my personal opinions on any topic in this blog, I don’t believe I do so from a place of ignorance – except when it comes to the Kardashian sisters. When something interests me, I read multiple perspectives and use my brain to draw conclusions, even if all of the information is not clearly presented in a nice little package. It will come as no surprise that I believe MSG is a VERY bad and toxic additive in our food chain, and I am convinced it will be proven in my lifetime, as was the case with Transfats. While the last blog was focused on MSG – because I was having such a shocking reaction to it at the time – I also believe things like artificial sweeteners (like Aspartame), High Fructose Corn Syrup, unnatural food dyes, Sodium Nitrite, BHA and BHT (E320), Soy, Tatrazine, and many, many other things are all poisons in our food chain. Heck I recently read an article stating that wheat has been manipulated to such a point, with significantly less varieties available than we had 100 years ago, even eating a whole grain diet is now harmful to us…. but that’s another topic. Getting back to MSG. It was “discovered” in its natural form just over 100 years ago. MSG was then extracted and has been sold commercially around the world ever since. The real challenge with MSG does not come in its natural form, but in the way it is fermented on a massive commercial scale and is now found in just about everything we eat – essentially if it’s not in its raw form, it’s got MSG. The mass production of MSG started in the 1950s and has only grown, and many believe it is the fermentation process applied to its mass production that is creating an inferior and poisonous product – here’s another perspective. For me Soy, amongst many other additives, sits in the same bucket  – the mass production techniques are making it bad – why else go to so much effort to “sell” it as a healthy alternative? I’m not going to try and convince you of anything here, just wanted to share some research and my personal thoughts on various issues, which I believe are linked to MSG and other additives. There’s a lot of shit in our food chain that scares the crap out of me – crikey we’re even eating genetically modified salmon – and they don’t even know what the long term impact will be? Not just that, the majority of governments are not making it mandatory for it to be labelled, which means the consumer can’t even make an informed decision about buying it? That’s outrageous to me. I do not believe that any of us are even remotely capable of understanding the big picture and the impact this is going to have on our minds and bodies, because there is not a co-ordinated or global approach to this topic – but the increase in certain “diseases” and mental illnesses (like Alzheimers and Autism) seem to have a direct correlation to the rise of shite in our food chain. That is my personal belief. Suffice to say, it would take a LOT to convince me otherwise. There is so much more I could say on this, so many arguments I could raise, so many concerns I could discuss, I could talk about the food manufacturing industry’s self interest, the power of lobbying groups, research that supports the arguments for this crap, the fact that livestock is fed on soy and corn so even if we try to avoid it we still get it in our bodies if we’re not vegetarians, and so much more, but then I’d have to write a book – and I am not an expert on this topic, just a very concerned consumer. However, I wanted to share my perspective because it WORRIES ME, but I am not saying I’m right. I could be so far off the mark it’s not funny, but I don’t think I am. For me, having read multiple perspectives on this and other issues, I remain convinced that something very very bad is going on in our food chain, and the corresponding increases in certain diseases, for me, are proof of that. The problem is nothing is conclusive on this topic, because we are not looking at these issues from a global perspective and the data is not being collected in a unified way – so how can we ever prove it if we aren’t even trying to look at it seamlessly? Another argument is that the massive increase in mental illness is being attributed to the fact that people are living longer. As the baby boomers enter their dotage, age is being cited as the key reason for the increases – nothing to do with additives and preservatives. But that argument doesn’t wash with me when I look at statistics on autism, ADHD, etc… Typically considered “young” people’s diseases…   One thing is for sure, if you read any of the research below, the governments of the world are SHITTING themselves, because these increases are going to cost TRILLIONS for the healthcare industry – awesome for the drug companies huh? Perhaps rather than drugging them, or taking any other approach, governments can assess additives and preservatives as a priority? But then, it’s not going to be a current government’s problem is it, so why bother? As my friend Karl said, a person starving to death doesn’t care if is MSG in the food. He is right. But that is a different issue. The issue

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A Gift that Keeps on Giving

For Lex’s second birthday, my friend Julie gave him a Kiva voucher. Kiva is a wonderful, award winning, and highly regarded non-profit with a “mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world.” Since Julie gave us this gift, I’ve increased the amount of money we have circulating in Kiva (although I wish it was more) and I am constantly lending $25 to people all over the world, running all sorts of businesses, and the common thread is they all just need a small amount of money to flourish. I tend to sponsor women entrepreneurs, but you can sponsor men and groups too – the great thing is you read the profiles and select where your money goes based on who resonates with you. You also have an option to contribute towards Kiva’s operating expenses, but it’s not compulsory. As you can probably tell, I think this is an amazing organisation and it allows me to contribute to a greater good – something important to me. So as Christmas is coming up, I thought I’d help spread the word for anyone looking to do something a little different, and perhaps buy Kiva vouchers for friends and families for Christmas. No pressure of course, but if you need to buy something for someone who has everything, or you’re just sick of the whole commercialisation of Christmas, or the holiday season for my non-Christian friends, here’s a way to help and give a really special gift that definitely keeps on giving. Just sharing the love. Yours, without the bollocksAndrea

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Definitely not an Ideal Morning

We had our coffees and were getting our heads down to work when the phone rings, and as gently as possible Lex’s teacher explains to us there’s been an accident. Lex was running too fast, tripped on a table, his head made contact with the edge of said table, all resulting in a cut on the head that they said would probably require stitches. We were reassured that our little man was OK after a good crying session, and that he was calm and sitting there with an icepack on his head. Naturally we needed to go and get him. Steve said I’ll go, and I said, no I’ll go, but then we realised we both had to go because who knew what our little love was about to face when we took him to the doctors? Stitches (and other serious stuff) have been unchartered territory for us so far, which is definitely amazing considering the antics of our lads. We drove in silence to school, feeling very anxious and not saying much to each other. Holding hands while driving was the only sign of the apprehension we were both feeling. The most shocking thing when we arrived is Lex’s face was completely yellow – SHIT is it that bad? Oh it’s just paint. Oh that’s good, that’s very good. The cut wasn’t too deep, and Lex was bloody thrilled to have both Mum and Dad there to pick him up. Off to the doctors, a triple layer of glue, Lex was a champion, and afterwards he got a brave boy present. It actually turned out to be an opportunity to spend some time together with Lex – and that is something he loves. So all is good, but shite, this parenting malarkey…. Yours, without the bollocksAndrea

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MSG Should be Illegal

I had some Thai food yesterday over a business lunch. I actually chose the restaurant, knowing that the chance of additional MSG in the food was high. The restaurant was just an easier choice, and besides, I’ve been avoiding it for so long, it’s always kind of interesting to see how I react. Well react I did, with the most crippling headache for about eight hours, and a “restless leg” sleep – always a sign that shit is in my body. So today I feel shattered and out of whack. At least I didn’t get all of the symptoms I usually get – racing heart, diarrhoea, heaty headache, and more. I discovered a low tolerance for MSG not long after arriving in Singapore eight years ago. I would go to all of the wonderful hawker centres in Singapore with my mates and be screwed for the rest of the day or evening. But the worst has always been Thai restaurants, and it doesn’t matter how posh the restaurant, they all seem to overload their food with “taste good salt” – as the old aunties like to call it round here. But it’s not just Asian food. I can’t eat any junk food without getting itchy skin or feeling nauseous, and if I have soy sauce, chips, or any other crap, I have a bad night’s sleep. So this is not just an Asian food discussion, as many seem to think. You see, once I realised what was going on, I started to research MSG and it’s quite frightening what I found. For every article on why MSG is bad, you’ll find 20 talking about its virtues. Check out Wikipedia’s definition, which I’d say is pro and definitely unbalanced, and here’s MSGTruth, an article on Blessed Quietness and Truth In Labelling – all of which fall into the “anti” category. But there is progress – while looking for anti-MSG articles today, more came up higher in the search results. Eight years ago I had to dig deep to find anything anti – so it seems momentum is building. For people like me, pro-MSG researchers say I’m allergic to it (which is 1% of cases), whereas anti-MSG research suggests I’m sensitive to it. This is a big difference, because being sensitive to it is a very good thing – when you are sensitive to it you avoid it because you have such a bad time on it, whereas those who are not sensitive keep munching away on the shit. The reality is, just because you don’t have a reaction doesn’t mean it’s not doing bad things to your body. The worst thing is, MSG is bloody everywhere. If it’s in a packet it’s got MSG, in a tin it’s got MSG, diet dairy products have MSG, cheese flavouring of any description is MSG, plane food is full of it, all pre-prepared food is full of it, and I could go on and on and on. But the labelling professionals have gotten very good at hiding it. When it says “no MSG added” on the label, it doesn’t mean there isn’t already MSG within the ingredients, just that none was “added.” If the word extract is on a label, that’s MSG. It’s seriously everywhere, and when you really start looking into it, it’s quite frightening and very difficult to avoid. MSG has been linked to all of the brain diseases (e.g. Alzheimer’s and Autism) and the majority of heart attacks are attributed to it. It’s hard to prove any of this, but I am sure the FDA and other legislating bodies are quite aware of the consequences. However as the food production companies and lobby groups certainly don’t want it to go away – as it makes the production of food significantly cheaper – still we suffer in its evil grip. If you want a list of what to avoid, check this link out.  Some may argue that it’s all bullshit and not as bad as all this, but as a person who is sensitive to MSG, I will always stand on the other side of that fence. There is NO doubt in my mind that at some point in the future, MSG will be declared bad for us, as was finally achieved with smoking. In the meantime, any chance I get to join the anti-MSG debate and push the argument further out into the world to ensure the pro-MSG lobby groups no longer dominate, then I will. I just believe that everyone needs to be able to make a conscious choice about whether or not they want to eat it, and when so much effort is made to convince the public of its virtues, one really should be hearing alarm bells. Unfortunately most people do not have the time to address it because there are just more important things to focus on – and why not, when you don’t suffer the side-affects? It is this that concerns me most – a type of apathy – because we are all unknowingly poisoning our bodies, and MSG is only one additive within that lethal mix. I truly think it is criminal what’s going on in our food-chain – all to save a few dollars. If you’re with me, keep the anti-MSG arguments going or share this if you like it. So much progress has been made, but like all things, we’ve got to keep at it so we’re not drowned out by big corporations focused on profit and not the health of their customers. In the meantime, I’ll be avoiding MSG like the plague once again… well whenever I consciously can. And here’s some final food for thought – make sure you check out children getting brain lobotomies, when in reality, they just needed to take MSG out of their diets. Yours, without the bollocks Andrea PS: if you like what I’ve got to say, you can follow me on Twitter @withoutbollocks, although I’m not manically active yet.

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Happy Birthday Lex my Love

Lex’s 1st Christmas, six weeks old Well today I have officially been a Mum for five years, as we head to the zoo to celebrate our little man’s 5th birthday. I cannot honestly say that these last five years have been easy. The switch from freedom-to-do-whatever-the-hell-I-want to Mother hasn’t been a seamless transition to say the least. Steve asked me the other day, after a particularly strenuous day with our lads, if I ever regret having our kids? No no no I say, then, well, maybe just a little bit. Think of the things we could’ve done if we never had them? But I wouldn’t be without them, I really wouldn’t – life has never been so rich and vital. If you know me, or are a regular withoutthebollocks reader, you’ll know that Lex has been a particularly challenging child, with a lot of people offering opinions and advice along the way. The thing is – I know him, I know his heart and soul, and while it has not been a smooth ride into motherhood, my faith in that child remains undiminished. He has an incredible zest for life and a desire to experience everything this world has to offer him. His ambitions know no bounds. He excels at everything he puts his mind to. And he is a worker – my word when he makes a commitment to achieving something, he bloody gets there. An example of his work ethic is his speech. In recent months, with incredible focus and determination, he is getting there, and we are conversing – hooray!! Who’d have known that since the 12th of November 2006 I’d only now, five years on, be enjoying the ability to communicate with my child? One of the things I’ve learnt in the last five years is that absolutely no one could’ve forewarned me about how hard it is being a parent. No one could ever communicate the extreme challenges, nor could they tell me how truly exhausting it all is. Oh sure, people tried to tell me, but how can you ever really know if you aren’t in the thick of it? But for all of the tough times, the majority is amazingly beautiful, because I think you start to love in a way you never knew you were capable of, and boy do I love my mini-men. Making birthday pancakes this morning with Dad So Lex my love, you drive me absolutely bloody crazy a lot of the time, but I love you so much and I treasure you so dearly. My faith in you will remain unwavering as I do my best to guide you out into this big wide world, where I know you’re going to contribute something really special to our planet and mankind. Happy Birthday sweetheart. Yours, without the bollocks Andrea

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11 11 11 at 11.11am

I had the loveliest morning today. I joined a pretty sizeable gathering of 30+ people, from all corners of the globe, for a group meditation at 11.11am this morning. The last group meditation I did was more than a year ago, so it was great to experience it again. Today means a lot of things to different people. Some were focused on fallen soldiers on this day of Remembrance. Others on the numerological impact and meaning of multiple 11s. Some are focused on the luck that comes with the combined numbers. The Nerds of the world have christened it “Nerd New Year.” And my mate Gary is celebrating his birthday. There’s a lot going on around the world today. The meditation session for me was about universal oneness – which I personally think is a wonderful idea. It was a morning of sharing, remembering, hoping and meeting new people – suffice to say I came out of it energized and hopeful.  My friend Julie, who hosted the gathering, has been looking forward to this day for a long long time, and more than anything, I was really pleased to be there to support her, as she has been on an amazing personal journey these past few years. So thanks Jules, an awesome morning that touched me deeply. And if you’re in to it, remember that today is a day for big wishes to come true, so fling out your greatest desires with all your might, and who knows? It might come true. If you’ve missed 11.11am in your neck of the woods, there is always 11.11pm! So what did you do today? Yours, without the bollocks Andrea

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Who Gives a Crap What Others Think?

I’ve had some interesting discussions with my love of late, as we’ve recognised a difference of opinion – something that doesn’t happen very often. It seems that Steve is still really conscious of other people’s opinions, and this includes complete strangers. When I was younger, I used to care a lot about what people thought of me. People who were in my life at that time might say “what you? No way” – because I was definitely out there in many ways (fashion-sense, “stunning” hair-styles, opinions, etc..) But I did, I was really impacted by what people thought about me. Then one day, probably in my early 20s, I decided enough was enough, and slowly weaned myself away from caring about what others thought of me. I recognised that absolutely no one knew where I was coming from or understood why I believed what I believed, so decided it was time to focus on what I thought of myself as the most important thing. It was a very liberating process to go through and one I think continues to serve me well. It gives me more confidence I suppose – confidence to live the life I want in the way I know is right for me and my family. I also don’t feel the need to justify that to anyone, nor do I feel the need to judge others for the way they choose to live – because how can I know? When I think about it, there are very few people whose opinions matter to me – Steve and my boys will always matter, very close friends or clients who are in my life on a regular basis definitely matter, and probably the people around my boys – such as their teachers. They all matter because they impact my life every day, and therefore, I care what they think. I don’t change who I am because of them, but I am aware of their role in my life. For everyone else, including family and friends, who are not living my life with me every day, I can’t take on their stuff. How can I integrate their opinions of my life into me, when in almost all cases, they have absolutely no idea what I’m doing, how I’m doing it, or even why I make the decisions I make? Families are a special group in this equation, with most taking great delight in expressing opinions about our lives. However, if you live miles apart – physically or psychologically – why structure any aspect of your life taking their opinions into account? Especially if they tend towards the negative? Respect for family is a good thing, but only if it goes both ways. And then complete strangers? I absolutely DO NOT care what they think, because they are strangers and have no impact on my life! If they become friends who I care about, because all of my friends are people I value on many levels, then it changes and I care. I’ve asked a few other people in recent weeks whether or not they care about the opinions of others, and apparently, the majority are impacted by what others think.  So I thought I’d ask my community – do you care or have you torn yourself away from living your life based on the opinions of others? All I know (and believe very deeply for myself) is this: the only thing that matters is how you value yourself, and if you can do that, well that’s awesome and the path to happiness. It’s something I want to teach the boys, but obviously to succeed; I need Steve on board too. I’m wondering if anyone agrees with me or can share their experience of breaking away from the burden of others opinions? Or perhaps you still find yourself caring too much? Let me know? Yours, without the bollocks Andrea

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What is it with the Bloody Kardashians?

I know, I’m a day behind the news, but you know I do have far more important things to be spending my time on than the sheer bollocks of other people’s lives – especially the “K” sisters. The other thing is I just cannot get my head (and therefore my thoughts) around these women, nor understand why anyone bloody cares? I mean every now and again I allow myself to watch reality TV. Ozzy and family was pretty quirky, the Apprentice is great, as is Idol and X Factor, but a bunch of women, sitting around talking shite while bleaching their anuses? I just DON’T get it. Voyeurism and celebrity is a mainstay in our lives – I enjoy it, we all enjoy it – and some celebrities are actually doing phenomenal things in the world, or better yet, STAYING QUIET – which is usually my preference. But these girls??? Can someone PLEASE tell me what all the fuss is about? Is it because they’re so bad everyone loves them? Is it the ability to get a bird’s eye view into a glamorous and unreachable world? Is it their looks? Is it the “Days of our Livesness” of their lives that people can’t get enough of? Is it the migrant success story? What is it? Or has the intellectual level of the world reached such a low point – because we’re all eating too many preservatives, additives and genetically modified food – and because of this, we’ve all been stupefied enough to actually find these women interesting? Is that it? I am confused, bewildered, and not even mildly entertained by the life and times of these sisters. And yet they earn $70 million a year for this bollocks? I mean who gets $25K from Armani for one Tweet? And more importantly, does Armani see these girls as good brand ambassadors? All I know is I obviously chose the wrong profession. I don’t know, I really don’t and I’d be very happy to have my mind changed, or my view redirected, but so far, I just find them bloody ridiculous. Can anyone help me look at these ladies in another way? Because I have to say, the obsession for them does take away a little bit of my hope in humanity. It’s important that I’m clear on something here. I don’t hold anything against these sisters for doing what they’re doing or how they’re making money – good on them. I just don’t understand why they are successful, nor do I see them as positive role models for women or Americans. Looking for clarity…. and expecting to be looking for a long time, but do me a favour and write down the first three words that spring to mind in the comment box below when thinking about the Kardashians? That should be interesting. Yours, without the bollocks Andrea PS: Kim, do yourself a big bloody favour and donate $10 million to a great and worthy cause – maybe you’ll help your credibility a little… But then maybe you don’t give a crap, and if so, fair enough. PPS: here’s a good article by Alissa Warren from Australia, posted on Mamamiatoday – but I still don’t understand….

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Do you Worry About the Future for Our Kids?

I was reading this blog by I, Cringely and it’s quite different to his normal IT industry commentary. He’s talking about the future for his kids and the opportunities they may or may not have professionally, based on where things are headed – something most parents wonder or worry about in some context today – right? Additionally, with the world hitting seven billion people yesterday, I’m sure this stuff is more top of mind for most. Many friends have expressed huge concerns for their kids’ futures, and in Asia, it seems to be a hotter topic of conversation. The main reason for this obviously has to do with the sheer number of people in this part of the world – more than 60% of the world’s population – but in these parts, education is also a massive thing. Competition for universities is unbelievable, and with approximately four billion people, that’s a lot of educated professionals entering the workforce! People round these parts are also very very smart – mind boggling so – something the Western world should definitely be taking heed of. But there is one thing that gives me solace. We’re all so bloody different, we all bring such different qualities to the professional table and we all view things in such different ways – and it is this that reassures me it’s going to be alright. Our kids are going to be much more advanced than us, and I reckon they’re going to move beyond ignorance and separation, realising it is the mish-mash of humanity that makes our world so great. I definitely believe the future will be about the richness and creativity that comes out of our differences and our kids will harness this to create a world we can’t even imagine today. I definitely know our kids are going to do something amazing, something we can’t even comprehend. I mean look at where they are now? How many will never know a world before the iPad? In fact, some won’t even know what a remote control is when voice activated TV takes off. Shit, dildos will probably be voice activated – or maybe they already are? Technology is a huge part of their world, but it won’t dominate their world because human beings are essentially social and creative, so this fear around digital doesn’t sit with me. Then again, us humans have always feared change and the unknown. I also reckon our kids are going to change the current war and aggression mentality. They’re going to grow up and realise it doesn’t have to be this way. It’s not like it’s ever worked anyway. I think recent generations have made big progress here, but it is the generations coming through now that will really finish this job and move our world towards peace. I really do believe that! Our kids will also sort out the environment, because they’ll have a bigger picture view of the world. They’ll also sort out corporate and media brainwashing, get food back to its natural state, move our world beyond the destruction of organised religion, and so much more. They’ll do it because they’re smarter than us, just like most of us are smarter than our parents. It’s definitely not all doom and gloom from where I’m sitting and I’ve obviously got a lot of faith in our kids. As you can probably tell, I’m not worried for my boys. They’re going to speak English and Mandarin (and Hindi if I can manage it), they’re going to know and be friends with people from all races and cultures (they already are – an advantage of living in this multi-cultural society), they’re going to learn to dance, sing and hopefully play musical instruments, they’ll have a love of reading because we do, we’ll encourage them to be creative and imaginative, we’ll take them to far off lands so they can see this magnificent world in all its glory, they’ll have us as parents and we hope we do a good enough job for them, but most importantly, in the end, they’ll identify something within them that they want to do with their lives, and it’ll be a perfect match for who they are. And if they’re out of work for a while, they’ll always be welcome home to sort it out and get some extra love. Whatever it is they decide to do they’ll be alright I reckon, we’ve just got to arm them in every way we can – confidence, emotional maturity, skills, education, awareness, life experience, an ability to question, curiosity, sensitivity, acceptance, and so much more – to prepare them for whatever future they want. That’s how I reckon it’s going to be – what do you think? Yours, without the bollocks Andrea

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