I recently attended the Asia Professional Speakers Convention 2021 and as always, it was awesome. Every year I leave inspired, more connected with my amazing community, and I get really awesome tips that are easy to implement, which helps me keep building my business.
However, in the panel discussions and conversations with corporates, one of the themes that came through is how businesses are coming up with multiple ways to help educate, train and upskill employees, but equally, how hard it is to get employees to take advantage of these opportunities. It doesn’t mean the corporates are getting it right, of course, but the cost of not taking advantage for individuals is high.
You don’t need to look far to see images and videos of out of work employees, living in depressed towns and cities, because their industry became inefficient, irrelevant and more, which led to the business becoming redundant and employees without work. Think the US rust belt and you get an idea.
It’s hard to think of an industry that won’t be impacted by the massive changes coming. I mean, artificial intelligence even does a pretty good job writing articles these days. The onus, therefore, must be on each of us individually to understand the risk facing both our professions and our industries.
We need to read, follow the futurists, scientists and researchers, take advantage of every chance to upskill, and never EVER say we’re too old to learn something new – or we will be those people in the photos wishing for times gone by. Enormous global change is happening and it needs to happen even faster, if we have any chance of stopping climate hell, as the UN is predicting.
In my book, Uncommon Courage, one of the seven topics is career thoughts and this quote captures the essence of the message. Let’s own our future path, or we will be pushed aside as many have before us. We can stop that from happening. Innovation, creativity and enormous courage is what’s needed to keep pace and even stay ahead of the curve.

Are you owning your upskilling journey? I hope so. It’s critical.
Uncommon Courage – my new book – is available

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Do check out my new Website uncommon-courage.com.
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