One of the things I love about him is his ability to relate to men or women. He can hold his own at a ladies tea party, not taking any crap from the bossy girls, or h can be the center of the action in a boy’s wrestling match – usually coming out on top… except with Lex, but that will change. Jax is already a beef cake, and with his mega-rugby thighs in place since birth, he is bound to be one hell of a hunky man, currently estimated to reach about six foot three-four – you know, based on that measurement you do at two and a half? He came in at 93cm.
When the lads were little, they got a t-shirt saying “Lock up Your Daughters” and I can say without doubt that when Jax reaches his sexual prime, this might be sage advice for our friends’ with daughters to follow, because he is also incredibly sultry. I mean, how does a little lad already have the “look?” Seriously, he can pulse his eye-balls? I know he’s going to get laid A LOT.
Jax has a terrific sense of humour, and has spent hours mastering his funny faces and practising his pick-up lines – all encouraged by his Dad. He is eloquent and determined, yet sensitive. He is Mr. Popular, but takes care of those in need. He is fiercely loyal and you better watch out if you have a go at anyone he’s thrown his towel in with, especially his brother. Jax is quick to learn and doesn’t miss a trick – especially Mummy and Daddy’s swear words… (Hey you try driving in Singapore without swearing!)
I can definitely say that Jax is his own man, and that is a great thing to be when you are the second child. He never backs down in a fight, always stands his ground, and while that doesn’t make home life easy when DVD decisions are being made, it is definitely a quality I admire. Yeah, I definitely admire Jax, I admire both of my little boys. I think they’ve both got amazing qualities that are going to help them succeed in whatever it is they want to do in life, and that’s a wonderful thing to see in your sons.
While Lex is a mini-me, Jax is a mini-Steve and I just want to say Happy Happy Birthday to an amazing son. I hope I do great by you as a Mum, providing the right guidance to help you become the magnificent man I know you are destined to be. I think you’re wonderful and I enjoy sharing this life journey with you immensely. You deserve the world my love.
Yours, without the bollocks
2 thoughts on “Jax is the Big 4 Today!”
Hey Jax,
Happy birthday hope you had a great day!! We love you and miss you heaps (especially Ebony) and we will try to SKYPE again today.
Lots of love from all of us here in OZ.
Hey sweets, let's try and hook up over the weekend on skype? Got a manic afternoon, but the weekend we can plan it in xxxxx