Web Design is Definitely Not my Thing

I’ve been a bit quietly lately as I decided to take on the job of designing the www.sajeideas.com Website. I checked around the area for some Web designers but the good ones were all flat out and as I’m not the most patient person on the planet, I decided screw it – how hard can it be?

Well I reckon it is hard – bloody hard! Even when you use a template it’s bloody hard, because it tells you what to do and where something can go, and if you want to put a picture there, well screw you, because you can’t – unless you know how to decode the HTML, which I most certainly do not.

Then you’ve got the whole font variations, how the content will look best within the design, and the appropriate size of the font – you don’t want it to look like a dogs breakfast after all! But wait, the fun continues – it won’t let you upload the logo where you want to upload it, finding and uploading pictures is a pain in the arse (the photo sites have a lot of naff content), and then you’ve got to link it all together and make it look pretty???!!!

I don’t know what kind of a job I did but I’m sure many will be honest in their feedback. It’s OK for now as it’s designed to get the message out, but shite, after the time I’ve spent on this, I really should have outsourced the job. I certainly won’t be doing it again, because now I truly do appreciate what it takes. Therefore I’m officially looking for a good Web design partner. Any recommendations?

Anyway, I’ve got better things to do – like writing witty blog content and soon, being the MD of SAJE.

Yours, without the bollocks

1 thought on “Web Design is Definitely Not my Thing”

  1. I hear ya babe!
    http://www.mybestfriendjen.com designed by moi and I had no idea either!
    Dreamweaver kept crashing and the software was pirate, so after giving up trying to snitch fix the registration, I decided to finish within the trial period…..it was a 30day race but its up now! Lets hope I dont have to make many changes in the near future!

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