A Curry Kick in the Arse

My favourite food of all time has to be Indian, with Thai a close second. Last night we had Indian with our great friends Lisa and Frankie, understanding that we needed to forgo pappadums and Nan to stick to our wheat free month. Steve also couldn’t have the pakhora – his personal Indian pleasure. It’s […]

It is How it is, So Enjoy it

The primary thought habit I want to change is resisting how my life is – by focusing on how I want it to be, as opposed to “enjoying” the ride no matter what. By means of background, I’ve been tracking my thoughts for years now. It’s a really great habit to get into, and it […]

Wheat Free for a Month

Yesterday Steve and I started our wheat free plan for a month. This is something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time, because when I look at the symptoms of wheat intolerance, I can definitely say I relate to many of them. I’ve been researching it a fair bit in recent months and […]

FIE Focus for January 2013

Yesterday I launched my personal crusade to make my life magical and it’s entitled ‘Fuck it, Enough!’ I wanted to say a BIG thank you for the positive responses I’ve received already, especially Sandra who’s suggested we set up a motivation group to keep each other focused – anyone in Singapore want to join the […]

Women Have Mid-Life Crisis’ Too…

The ‘Fuck it, Enough’ Crusade Commences I’m having a mid-life crisis, there is no doubt about it, and yes women have them too. At the grand old age of 43, I think it’s a mortality thing – it’s like you’re closer to the end than you are to the beginning, and you know this because […]

Bloody kids… bloody sunrise…

Day light savings nightmare

One of the greatest things about living in Singapore is that the sun rises at 7am and sets at 7pm, 365 days a year, every year. This meant that the boys slept until 7am at least

I hate gossip

Don't gossip

I really hate gossip. I find it extremely dangerous, hurtful, petty and most of the time, the person is completely wrong. It’s like being judgmental – which I also hate

The troops go home – so what now?

US exit Iraq

It was pretty amazing watching the news this week when it was announced US combat troops were leaving Iraq. I felt relived for the soldiers finally finishing their tour of duty

Facing up to fear

Mind games

Whenever I was sitting around doing pretty much anything, these horrible disaster scenarios would run through my head

The reality of the move kicks in

Andrea Edwards

We got rejected with our third request for a lease extension. We don’t know if the real estate agent is doing a number on us or