The only thing you SHOULD do is to do YOU

Andrea T Edwards

I was chatting with a lady-pal recently and she told me someone told her she should soften her approach a little bit. Apparently, she’s too strong, too out there, and too dominating to attract a man into her life.

50 years, 50 wisdoms – let’s start with the voice in our head

Andrea T Edwards

Part of my 50 Years #50 Wisdoms journey. Join me as I hurtle towards 50 on the 1stof January 2020. On the 1st of January 2018 I turned 48. I remember a time when someone told me they were 48 and I thought they were really really old. Then on New Year’s Eve, I met […]

Another move done…

Global nomads

We loved living in Noosa Waters in many ways, but in many other ways we learnt that this life isn’t for us –this community, this normality, this way of life.