Are you excited about moving to Phuket?

Uncommon Courage

A question I have been asked a lot, and here’s the answer. No, no I’m not. Not yet. In fact, I don’t know if I ever will be “excited.” The first time we tried to live in Phuket – 2009 – note the Chicken Pox on Lex’s face   Not only is there too much […]

Keeping sane in the chaos of an international move

Andrea Edwards

We’re moving countries. Not only that, we’re keeping 25 per cent of our life in Singapore, moving 75 per cent to Phuket, and the boys are getting ready to say goodbye and embark on a new school adventure. For Lex, this is a happy process. He’s been in therapy all year and has no mates […]

Big news for our little family

Andrea Edwards

I’l let the video do the talking. If you stay to the end, I promise a giggle. Yours, without the bollocks Andrea Thank you for reading my ramblings. My brain and heart are a work in progress, always. I’d love a comment if it stirred any thoughts or feelings and of course, please feel free […]

Sri Lanka is, quite simply, amazeballs

Andrea T Edwards

When I started telling people we were going to Sri Lanka for a family holiday, anyone who’d been had a twinkle in their eyes as they told me how much I was going to love it. And they were right. I loved it. I bloody loved it. We all did. Returning from a swim to […]

I think we need to talk about airport customer experience

Uncommon Courage

You know one of the best things about living in Singapore? It’s world-class airport – Changi Airport. It’s a beautiful, modern airport, with amazing facilities, but the best thing is check in. From the point of drop off to wandering around Changi before departure, it’s about a 20-minute experience. When landing back in Singapore, from […]

The unknown world of menopause awaits

Andrea T Edwards

As a woman entering your 40s (which I’m well into at this stage) there is an impending gloom ahead – the unknown world of menopause. Chances are you’ve seen your mum go through it – which ain’t pretty – but otherwise, it’s the great mystery that will strike you when it’s good and ready.   […]

Have a discussion, disagree, but let’s be kind to each other

Andrea T Edwards

A while ago I published a blog – Chaos is driving us apart, our collective humanity must bring us back together. My word did that little baby open me up to attack. I can tell you it’s hard putting yourself out there with your own points of view and it can be very challenging getting […]

A fluffy story of our dogs first experience in the ocean

Andrea Edwards

In the spirit of sharing cute fluffiness, as well as to get away from serious subjects, here’s a little story about our dog, Freddy – a six-month old Golden Retriever puppy.   We decided to take Freddy to a BBQ on East Coast Park in Singapore this weekend, to celebrate our great friend Amber’s birthday. […]

A look into my mind over the last month

Uncommon Courage

In a recent blog, I talked about how hard it is to blog in the midst of all the global chaos we seem to be enduring – and nothing has changed.   It’s hard to think about anything else when our days and minds are consumed by the idiocy going on in the political sphere, […]

How’s the single mothering malarkey going Andrea?

Uncommon Courage

It’s great, so great. I love it when Steve is away for long periods of time, because I really get to relax, enjoying so much peace, solitude and silence you know. It’s a self-pampering time… Well except when we have three fire incidents in the boy’s bedroom. Lex! He’s obsessed with fire and I get […]