New Magnum Packaging Beautiful but Hello! Environment…

Dear Streets Ice-cream C/o Unliver I write to express some concerns over the packaging of your new Magnum Ice cream – Magnum Temptation Chocolate. I recently purchased this for my husband, as he is a fan of brownies in ice cream. Let’s start with a positive. I would like to report that on the taste […]

Vaginoplasty and Labioplasty Surgery Trebled in last Decade!

Here you go (click on title for link to the story) – the number of government funded operations in Australia to reduce the size of a woman’s vag has trebled in a decade – wot bloody next? Bound feet, removing a lower rib to reduce waist size…. it’s bloody ridiculous girls!!! Get it done if you really […]

Celebrity Bollocks… the knives are out for Gordon Ramsay

I’ve got to say that I’ve never been interested in Gordon Ramsay. He comes across as a total prick on TV and if I was going to watch any celebrity chefs it would be Jamie Oliver and Curtis Stone – they just seem like decent human beings with good hearts. But bloody hell, aren’t the […]

Mum made it home

For anyone interested, Mum made it home and didn’t get lost in Europe. She’s home a couple of weeks early because she ran out of money, but she had a lovely time at Mary McKillops’ canonisation (“never felt more proud to be Australian”) and thought the holy land was truly amazing – couldn’t agree with her […]

Memory lane – My brother’s mates

A little while ago I posted a blog on Billy Idol, where I mentioned the quality of mates my older brother had growing up, and I think this needs some elaboration. As any teenage girl with an older brother would expect, big bros mates should be the first opportunity for cherry popping right? Sadly not […]

Bloody kids… standing around

There’s a lot of stuff I could comment on regarding the tedious shit a parent endures, especially in these toddler/pre-school years, because there really is just a lot of tedious shit to endure. BUT I think the thing I hate the most is the standing around… wait a minute, maybe it’s not the thing I […]

Saudi Women can’t even be Check out Chicks!

I don’t like to get too opinionated about the rules of other nations in regards to women, because we can never truly understand the culture they live in and therefore, our standards can hardly be applied, but I thought this was a little interesting. In order that women don’t engage with “unrelated men,” the Kingdom’s […]

Car puking – whose way was the right way?

Steve and I had completely opposite parenting experiences. Steve’s was along the lines of you can play with one toy and one toy only, and you had to put it away in the cupboard once designated playtime was over. My childhood was more along the lines of piss off outside (with no sun block or […]